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Peckedy, peck!

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

Starlight: I love to peck my food! Peckedy peck, peck, peck, peck. I love to peck my feathers–peckedy peck.

Starlight: Hey Sunshine ! Stop pecking my pretty feathers! 

Sunshine: I’m not! I’ve decided not to peck you!

Starlight: Oh, never mind! 

Rosie: Hey, you guys–look!  Miss Barbara’s passing out scratch for us. Let’s go!

Sunshine: You know, you don’t have to be so specific! Anyway…….me first!

Rosie: “Not so fast, Sunshine! (Running as fast as her little legs will go.) Bulk, bulk, bulk! (Translation: Out of my way, Sunshine! Miss Barbara, Miss Barbara give me some of the food first!)




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